Church and State

We know our kingdom and we know our King. This world is not our home. It is not our final destination. Our home is with Jesus in his Kingdom.
However, this does not remove us from our current responsibility in the world. After salvation we were not automatically taken to the kingdom to be with Jesus. Jesus still has a purpose for his Church to remain in the world and to make the gospel known among the nations. This means that we still have a responsibility and purpose in the world.

Let me get a little more personal.

I believe that we, Spring of Life Church, live in the greatest nation in the world. One of the most free nations to have ever existed. Up to this point in the nations history, the Church of Jesus Christ has not been persecuted as it has been all throughout the World. This is not to say that the Church has not faced its difficulties in this nation, it most certainly has, but it is to say that we have had the freedom to speak and to gather. The Bible calls us to pray for our nation, to pray for the leaders of the nation and to live peaceable and quiet lives.
“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.”
1 Timothy 2:1–4, ESV

When we see the immorality, evil and sin of the nation rising it should bring us to our knees for prayer. We do not riot, we do not cause civil unrest, and we do not set our demands. We pray to the one who sees all, knows all, and hears our prayers. After we pray, we do our part. We do not participate in the sins of the nations nor do we give approval to those who participate in such sin. We stand firm in our faith in Jesus and on the truth that he reveals in His Word. We strive to live a life that is “godly and dignified in every way.”

This means that as good citizens, we vote. We vote for those whose policy will best uphold the truth that we see in Gods Word. Where as before politics was more focused on economics and foreign affairs, now they have moved their way into matters of morality and life. In these matters it is even more important that the Church stands firm and affirms the truth.

The killing of unborn babies is not a neutral question for the Church.
Racism is not a neutral question for the Church.
LGBTQ is not a neutral topic for the Church.

The list can go on. The point is that the Bible is very clear on all of these issues and the Church must be as well. This is why we have decided to do a month long sermon series on some of the issues that the nation faces today. I invite you to join us for this sermon series as we open up the Word of God and we affirm the truth.

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